Saturday, April 30, 2011

Learning to Learn in Medical School

The Gothic Study - The Private Library of Will...Image by Stuck in Customs via Flickr
Hi everybody

My medical school bestie, Brandi J. just gave me the book that may save my sanity! She sent me a link to the online book: SuccessType in Medical Education. The author uses a well known personality types theory to demonstrate the most useful way to study and learn in the medical school context. After 10 years of working one-on-one with medical students who really struggle with effective study strategies, he has decided to share this method with the world. Pre-meds eat your heart out!

This is a must read for premeds, science majors, and medical students of course. I have included a link to the PDF below:

You can thank me later :-D

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Working in Haiti for the Summer

I recently received funding to work in some clinics in Haiti for the summer! YAY! I am so excited. I give you the details later but for now celebrate with me! 

I plan to do a weblog of the trip on this blog. 

Stay tuned :-D

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I have been gone for some time there are some entries in the pipeline. I will work on getting them up