I've been back for a few weeks. My body and sleep schedules are finally adjusted after that 28 hour trip back. And now I'm trying to put my life in order: handle family business, make money, write secondaries, do projects, and keep in touch with people. All these things have been draining but necessary. I started getting up at the crack of dawn just so I could do half of what needs to be done, but I've gotten organized and set up a calendar to make a little easier. Now, all I have to do is fill it and remember to refer to it.
Although I've only been away from Singapore for less than a month it seems like so long ago. It seems like a different life. I feel a tinge of regret about not recording more of my thoughts and feelings about my experience as they happened. But life it about living, not necessarily about recording every detail. I'll have to content myself with how being in Singapore made me feel. Fortunately, I really enjoyed Singapore and hanging out with all the people I've come to know and love.
Now that I'm home. I'm hanging out with my family and planning community outreach projects so I'm started to become more excited about my life here. My nephews are a trip. I've been hanging out with them as well. Babies are a lot of work. I mean A LOT. Being home had shifted my biological clock back. Despite all the cuteness and fun, I am so not ready for a family. Learning this now has been good for me.
Anywho, I have to get back to the calendar and to-do list. PEACE
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