Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Haitian-American Weddings

I worked a few wedding this season. Although I enjoyed these weddings, I have to admit that I am happy wedding planning, wedding MCing, and wedding season is over for the time being.

Because I am burned out! Whoo...

I was honored to be of part of making my loved ones wedding dreams a reality this year. We worked hard and we played harder. Nothing like a gold ole' fashion Haitian wedding to get people moving and shaking. And I will probably be calling in the favor when it is my turn :-D In the meantime, I am going to recuperate until next wedding season. I know there are some in the works...I won't be working any next season I have decided to call it quits and leave it to the professionals. Sorry:-(

I will say that I a greater appreciation for the time, effort, money, collaboration, and man power thats goes into successfully organizing these massive Haitian wedding. I would offer the following:

1. Start planning as early as humanly possible
2. Determine how much money you have
3. Clearly outline a budget based on how much money you have
4. Make a invitation list based on your budget and STICK TO IT!
5. Send out invitations early, so people can plan
5. Be flexible: remember that the marriage is what matters, all the details are fluff
6. HAVE FUN!!!!

Be blessed :-D

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Decorating on a budget

EXPEDIT TV storage unit white Width: 72 7/8
An Ikea expedit media/bookcase 

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ancient Egypt

I'm reading Cleopatra's Daughter.  And I love this book!

I am not sure how I got a hold on this book. I started the summer with a sincere desire to read period pieces. And if you know me at all, you know that I am a hopeless romantic.  So I did what any romantic would do and picked up Jane Austin's books. Before I knew it, I had read every Jane Austin title I could get my hands on.

I was not satisfied; I am a veracious reader and I had developed an appetite for historical fiction. So I picked up Cleopatra's Daughter, set in Ancient Rome and Egypt. It was written by an archeologist who took the time to piece the story together based on research and a bit of her imagination I am sure. Nevertheless, it was a great read and a nice way to wrap up my last summer before medical school.

I recommend it, if you have any spare time...

Toodles :-D

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Quote of the Week

"I don't believe in the no-win scenario"
Captain Kirk

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Decorating Ideas

I am feeling better and am in the mood to decorate-or at the very least plan the ideal look for my studio. All of the furniture would ideally create a minimalist, uncluttered, airy, modern, comfortable and functional living space that takes into account the fact that I love books and that I am a medical student. So I want a sofa, table/desk, ottoman, TV and book shelves.  I don't even have a budget that could account for the pieces that I have fallen in love with. But hey a girl can dream!

I love this BOKZ sofa bench in grey twill upholstery with chrome finishing tacks and stained wood stiletto legs $400 from Lunar Lounge Design
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