Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ancient Egypt

I'm reading Cleopatra's Daughter.  And I love this book!

I am not sure how I got a hold on this book. I started the summer with a sincere desire to read period pieces. And if you know me at all, you know that I am a hopeless romantic.  So I did what any romantic would do and picked up Jane Austin's books. Before I knew it, I had read every Jane Austin title I could get my hands on.

I was not satisfied; I am a veracious reader and I had developed an appetite for historical fiction. So I picked up Cleopatra's Daughter, set in Ancient Rome and Egypt. It was written by an archeologist who took the time to piece the story together based on research and a bit of her imagination I am sure. Nevertheless, it was a great read and a nice way to wrap up my last summer before medical school.

I recommend it, if you have any spare time...

Toodles :-D

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