Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Its my Birthday!

It a rainy cool Wednesday. I got to class a little late and I am a little unclear about what is happening in class, but life is so good. I wish I could share how good life really is.  All I can say is that God is good! 

I've had to make some difficult decisions. The last year has certainly been more difficult than I could have imagined and frustratingly so, but I think I have learned a lot about myself. I think I am well situated to learn and grow in ways I did not realize I need growing.

So, what am I thankful for and hoping for this Birthday? 

  1. I am thankful for an unshakable faith in an amazing God! 
  2. I am thankful for ways in which I am changing and growing as an individual and as a future physician. 
  3. I am happy to be alive and loved by people that I have known all my life and people that I have only known for months. 
  4. I am thankful for another year of health and access to my life's ambitions
  1. Increased patience, discipline, and tolerance for new and different experiences 
  2. More people to love 
  3. Growing faith community at school 
  4. Continued health 

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