Monday, April 27, 2009

The Beauty of Inner Stillness

I tried to post them a little while ago but I'm still a newbie so bare with me lets see if this works...

Here are two excerpts from recent readings that have struck me enough to be shared.

"There is a basin in the mind where words float around on thoughts and thoughts on sound and sight. Then there is a depth of thought untouched by words, and deeper still a gulf of formless feelings untouched by thought."

-Zora Neal Hurston's Their Eye's Were Watching God

"I think of a stillness, a pinprick of a place inside her that is profoundly still. I wonder if a sublime quietness is at the heart of creation. If I have made up that concept, if it is off the mark, it is only because I learned to image it from watching her."

-Henry in Jane Hamilton's Disobedience

What is it about them that grab me...I don't know...maybe this random description/observation touch on the beauty of inner stillness in a way that really captures me. Maybe I crave this, maybe I connect with this. They are really just fleeting phrases in books with a hundred or more truly profound ideas, but these are the ones that resonate with me.

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