Friday, April 17, 2009


As many of you know I like to talk. This love of chatter stems from all the random ideas I have piled up in my head demanding their 15 minutes. So in an attempt to talk less without sharing less I've decided to write things down in this here blog.

Can you dig it?
That way you can wade through the stuff you don't care to listen to and if you want to strike up a conversation... leave a comment and we will see where it takes us.

I figured that this will also be a great way to stay in touch with the friends and family that I have spread all over the world. So I'll probably post pictures and story about things that I find interesting. Thanks for the idea Christie :-)

Alright here goes...


  1. anita! yay! i am excited for this :) many blessings to you...

  2. Hey Anita, I love following blogs. I look forward to reading what you have to say. Feel free to follow me at

  3. i hope you keep up with this!!! cause i tried and i just didn't have enough willpower (or the strength to chatter that you do ;)
