Thursday, June 2, 2011

Haiti Day 4

I feel much better this morning.

I am currently in one of the clinics in Port-au-Prince run by Family Health Ministries. I work with three doctors and 2 nurses who shift betweend different clinics in the region. On my second day here I worked with pulmonary physican. He did a lot of primary care work: he has to meet the needs of the people. As it turns out there are a lot of uppper respiratory issues in this population. He had me listen to their lungs and even advised me on the steps (just as I had learned them during my physical exam skills course). My only regret is that I did not bring my stethescope. I can hardly make out the rails etc. that we are getting with the stethoscope I've been given.

Yesterday, I worked wiht a ob/gyn. Again taking a history and basic Physical Exam (PEX) skills were absolultely necessary for diagnosis and treatment. I thank God that I get another shot at PEX, I promise to make learning the details a priority. The clinicans here would ask questions like "what is the color of your sputum", they checked lymph nodes, and listent to lung and heart sounds when necessary.

The main tools we use are: stethescope, otoscope, thermometer, and blood pressure guage. Its great!

K I have to get to work.

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