Friday, June 3, 2011

Haiti Day 5: Uh Oh...I think I'm in trouble

I spoke to my mother briefly a few days ago to let her know that I was safely in Haiti. Unfortunately that was not good enough for her. She has been worried sick over me. And to make matters worse I  mistakenly gave her the wrong emergency contact number. So what did my Haitian mother do?

She gets a hold of the only relative we have in the city of Port-au-Prince in hopes that I have run into him in one of the clinics. He is a doctor who has worked with the clinics that I am affiliated to. But I have not met him as of yet. This troubles her so she sends him on a wild goose chase to find me. He obliges her and ends up in the neighboring city of Leogane. Family Health Ministries is headquartered in Leogane. He asks for me and discovers that I am not there.

Fortunately, I mentioned his name to the program coordinator on our way to Haiti so when he was taken to her she recognizes his name and gives him my number after failing to contact me herself on the emergency phone that she issued me. As it so happens I rarely carry the emergency phone on me out of fear that I might lose it. Once I got back to my room, I realized that I missed 8 calls and was a bit disurbed.

I eventually touched based with my cousin. He was very pleased to finally get a hold of me and has invited me to his home for the weekend. We both called my mother soon after that conversation. She reminds me to stay in touch and be safe. I promise that I will and inform her that I will be hanging out wiht my cousin. I am looking forward to seeing another part of the city. I'll let you know how it goes.
I love my mom! Yes, she can be a little over zeolous when it comes to worrying about us, but when all is said and done. I know it comes from a place of love. And I know she would go to the ends of the earth and back for me.

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