Monday, June 6, 2011

Haiti Day 8

Missy, one of FHM country Coordinators, came to visit today. She wanted to make sure I was getting the most out of my month here and adjusting well. She joined our morning prayer and worship at the clinic. Then we chatted about my experiences here.

Later that day she brought me 2 gifts: a great stethescope and a Haitian Hymnal! She made my day.
Afterwards, she drove me into downtown Port-au-Prince (the Del Mar area) and we had pizza and slurpies at a Epi D'or Resturant and ended our trip at a local super market. The super market was like a mini-Walmart and a Haitian store wrapped into one with the merchandise costing about as much as it would cost in the states.

It was a long drive due to the traffic so we were able to share our different motivations for being in Haiti. Missy's journey is an interesting one. She and Pastor Luke (pastor of the church that I attended yesterday) are examples of people that are working fulltime in Haiti in response to God call in their lives. I admire their determination.

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