Sunday, June 5, 2011

Haiti Day 7

I went to Church today, service was from 6am-8:30ish. Church is on the compound so there is need to go more than a few feet to attend. In all honesty the service is so loud that I could probably here everything from the comfort of the roof or perhaps my bed. But there is something to be said about communal worship that can not be replaced in my mind.

I was ready for Christian community. I did not realize how much I craved it until last night. All the other longterm volunteers (volunteers committing at a month or more of their time to serving the community) and I decided to have a daily Bible study. The plan going in was to have BB lead both worship and the study since he was a theology school grad. We now decided that we will share responsibility as we feel led (and he will of course be our guide). I have my private time with God but I really enjoyed  the study.

I woke up feeling refreshed and perhaps seeing Haiti with new eyes. This is truely a beautiful country. From the roof the guesthouse this morning I could see the mountains. They seemed to be snuggling underneath a thick blanket of clouds. The air was is crisp and the green of the mountain side seems to roll on forever. I have to pinch myself, am I really seeing this. Am I really here?!

I snapped out of my daydreaming when I heard the pastor welcoming the congregation. I looked down and it was 5:50am! Wow! To my surprise they were already starting service. Church starts on time in Haiti!

I ran down to the church to catch the beginning of the first hymn. It sounds familiar. And my mouth breaks into a smile. I'm going to like this church I thought to myself. The church is non-denominational, but has Baptisit leanings and even uses the same Haitian Hymnal that we used in my church back in Florida.

My only regret is that I did not bring my Haitian Hymnal. I recently purchased one but left it in Chicago. Fortunately they sang some common hymns and ended service with my all time favorite hymn. It was a bit more complex but it is afterall my favorite so I enjoyed it.

The BEST part of the service by far was the sermon, it was given by a visiting pastor. He spoke about the value of children. He reminded the congregation that all children are precious gifts from God that should be watch over, cared for and guided with the utmost care; we will all be held accountable for the gifts that God has given us.

That was my Sunday...Be Blessed & Stay Blessed :-D

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